Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Ron was supposed to get a new permanent vas cath implanted today. The one he is using now for dialysis is a temporary one and he is not able to go home with it.
However, the informed us at the last minute that he was to go down for the procedure and he had already eaten breakfast...so it is now rescheduled for tomorrow morning.
He walked several times today. His furthest distance was 42 feet...quite impressive.
He just keeps pushing himself

He will also have an echo done tomorrow and dialysis. I just know he is going to be exhausted by days end.

Wednesday they have scheduled a renal gram. This will help them to see how much blood is being profused to the kidney.

He has still tested positive for C. Diff. Dr. Smith wants to continue with the antibiotic and she also added Lactose Bacillus ...it is suppose to help to increase his good bacteria and fight off the C. Diff bacteria. We will run another culture tomorrow.

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