Monday, March 3, 2008


It is now 1:30pm on Monday....we continue to wait for them to take Ron down to the cath lab for his heart biopsy. He has gone all night ...since midnight without eating or drinking. It is still unknown when they are going to call for him. He is very hungry and getting tired of waiting.

He had his echo at 8am ...but have not heard of the results either.

His potassium was high today so they held giving him his potassium tablet today.
Hopefully by tomorrow it will come back down to normal range.

He had another dose of the IV steroid last night and they increased his Prograf level once more.

I will not know anything on the biopsy until tomorrow.


Leanna Willis said... is during these times we lay in the comforting hands of the Lord...

Our family is behind you, praying with you. Know, your hands are being held from a distance.

I remember (as an auntie) those days, not knowing... sometimes it feels like you take 3 steps forward just to get knocked 3 yards back. Everything seems so big & so far out of reach.

I heard a lady speaking 2 weeks ago, she was saying that God sees our set backs (that are major to us) as small things. I know it doesn't change the worry & the concern, just know The Great I Am is in charge.

We talk about Ron's progress & set backs often (almost all the time we are together), you are not alone.

-Sarah's "auntie" Leanna Willis (Nolte)

luvgod2 said...

I am lifting you up in prayer for God's healing and comfort. I know this can be so tiring for you and for Ron waiting on tests results.

I love God's promise in Nahum 1:7 that says, The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him!