Thursday, March 6, 2008


We were told that Ron's biopsy results also came back negative for antibody rejection...all great news to hear. But, we are still left trying to figure out what is causing his creatinine and his uric acid to stay elevated.
He did respond well to the IV lasix ...his output increased ....I had hoped that this would have helped his creatinine to come down.
They have put him back on oral lasix and will see how he does. Some of the renal doctors feel he needs to be back on the IV lasix for a while... but I guess we will just wait and see.
They are doing an ultrasound right now on his kidney to see if there is any form of obstruction.
Later he will also have a renal gram done to show the doctors the level of profusion the kidney is receiving.
His white cell count is still low so they are going to discontinue his chemo drug today and possibly tomorrow depending on what his labs show tomorrow.
They are also going to hold back on his Prograf tonight because his prograf level was at 15 and it should not go higher than 10.
So, a lot of things we are having to deal with right now until we can figure out what is causing such an imbalance with his labs.
I really hope that between the ultrasound and the renal gram we can finally get some answers.

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