Thursday, January 31, 2008

30 days later

It has been a month today that Ron went into cardiac arrest ...when things became very uncertain for him and our lives. It is so nice to write this today knowing that he overcame the odds and is still with us today share with him the experience of what went on is a blessing that he cannot recolllect any of it. I am grateful that those fearful moments are behind us and now our focus is on Ron's rehab and getting his body strong enough to hold his weight ...that he may be able to stand on his own and ultimately takes steps.

The physical therapist came by today to work with him. She helped him to do leg lifts ...a little different from the ones we were doing. She had him doing pelvic lifts ...he did a good job on these. She then had him sit on the edge of the bed....which I might say...he did this all by himself.
He was able to swing his legs over all on his own and lift his torso up to sitting position without my help. It was great to see. He worked on a different type of leg lifts while sitting on the edge of the bed...She really worked him today. He was very tired after they were done.

His edema seems to have become worse tonight on his lower extremities has us both a bit concerned. I will have the doctors take a look at them tomorrow. I keep hoping it is simply because is not able to walk therefore not able to redistribute the fluid in his tissue. His kidney is working ...he continues to have good I am not sure what is going on with this.

We finally received the results of his echo ....Dr. Copeland indicated that it looks awesome and his ejection fraction is staying steady around 55%. We were very happy to hear this given he is no longer receiving the chemo-like drug Retuxamab we were anxious to see how his heart function would be. This is great news.

Please continue to keep Ron in prayer that his rehab will move along with great progress. That the Lord will place his hand upon him once again and bring him the muscle strength he needs to walk again real soon.

"Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord." Psalm 27:14

1 comment:

luvgod2 said...

I love that verse in Psalms - it can be such a challenge at times to wait "patiently" especially in our society today of instant gratification and results. But, we we see what God's perfect plan in even though it seems we wait soooo long it can astound us beyond believe. I love to see God's working in your lives - isn't it amazing to see God's hand throughout your life trial.