Friday, January 18, 2008


Ron is scheduled for surgery at 1:30pm today. Hopefully, no emergencies will delay us this time.
He had a very good night...slept straight through. I did, too. We were up just before 7am. He went straight to the cadillac chair and sat up for almost two hours. He was in a great mood today the tech's a run for their money today.
They started him back on lasix via I.V. with the hope that this will also help to get fluid off of him.
He had good output last night and again this morning. Hopefully, this will continue for him.

I will let you know how surgery goes today.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

luvgod2 said...

Hi Mary,
I'm praying for you and Ron. I pray his surgery goes well and that you are lifted up with comfort and peace during the wait which I know can seem endless. God's favor be upon you.
In Him,