Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The doctors made rounds again late afternoon. We further discussed the need for a pacemaker for Ron. They exlplained we should not wait longer than Thursday or Friday to have he pacemaker put in. They indicated that Ron is on full support of the outboard pacemaker right now. The leads he has attached to his heart and the outboard pacer have been in for a month now...they are not made to last for a very long time. They are concerned that the leads could wear out in the middle of the night and then they would have to rush him to the O.R. with hopes of getting there in time. Whithout the pacer his heart rate goes down to 30 beats per minute. They also indicated that the problem Ron is now having with the low heart rate is not only due to the heart medication he was on to bring his tachacardia under control...they also believe that there was damage to the synode in his heart (which is what paces the heart) due to the two severe episodes of rejection the heart endured last month. Thus, the chances of his heart rate increasing to a normal rate are unlikely.
Given this information...Ron and I decided that it would be best to proceed with the surgical procedure of putting the pacemaker in. And, as Ron thought about the leads possibly giving out in the middle of the night...it made him very uneasy. He felt that he would be up to doing this on Thursday or Friday.
We advised the doctors of our decision...so we will wait to see what day they are able to fit him in.
We ask for everyone's prayers that this will go well...that Ron will begin to feel even better with the pacemaker and no further complications will arise.

Physical therapists came by this afternoon to help him with some leg exercises. He sat along the edge of the bed and did everything they asked of him. He was very tired and his sternum was hurting but he stuck it out and did his exercises. They were very impressed with how much he was able to do. I guess the exercises we have been doing on our own are really helping him. He is so eager to start walking again...he wants to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

His edema has increased so we are working to try to get more dialysis treatments in as much as possible. We don't want this to get out of hand because it will then further delay he ability to walk.

He was very talkative with everyone that stopped by to see him today.

I hope tomorrow brings more good things.

"Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly. Give me happines, O Lord, for I give myself to you." Psalm 86: 3-4

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