Sunday, January 27, 2008


What a special day we had Saturday...Thomas turned three years old....and it was the first time to see him in two very long weeks!
I did not realize just how much I had missed him until I saw him an held him in my arms...the tears just started flowing. I couldn't help myself. I have been so involved with Ron's care...I really did not give myself the time to realize how much I was missing my baby. It is so great to have him here with us to celebrate his special day. And what a celebration it was....I ordered him a cake with the "Cars" theme. We ordered pizza for everyone and had our own little party down in the hospital cafeteria. The doctors gave Ron the "O.K." to leave the floor for the party. We were down there for 2 was a fun time. My in-laws were there .....Three of Ron's doctors were of the tech's from ICU came by ....Dr. Smith brought her 2 year old daughter and her new born baby was a good time. Thomas really enjoyed all the presents he received...and had to try them all out once were back up in daddy's room.
He looks so good. My sister in law has done such a great job with him. He seemed very happy.
It is going to be so hard for me to have him leave again. Two days just isn't enough time to get all my hugs and kisses in.

Ron had a good day. He is so happy when all the family is here...especially Thomas.

I did find out tonight that the renal doctors started him on antibiotic. It seems that the cultures they did on his wound are showing some signs of an infection. I did not get a chance to speak with them today...the orders were written when we were down in the cafeteria.
I hope to speak with them tomorrow to get more details. I hope they caught it early and will be easy to treat. The tissue still looks very healthy and pink.

We look forward to another fun filled day with Thomas ....making every moment with him count.

"23The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 24Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."
Psalm 37:23-24

1 comment:

andrew said...

Mary is one amazing awesome Mommy and Wife! You inspire me Mary. :)
andrew selbst